Marichyasana II (Seated Spinal Twist B or Sage Twist Pose 2)

Marichyasana II (Seated Spinal Twist II or Sage Twist Pose B or Pose Dedicated To The Sage Marichi B) - Sharp Muscle
6 min read
Updated: March 26, 2023

Marichyasana II, also known as Seated Spinal Twist II, or Sage Twist Pose B, is optimally toned and strengthened and improves digestion power.

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Since this pose is an intense form of Marichyasana I, its effect is greater. The heel on the navel puts extra pressure on the abdomen, which makes the abdominal organs better toned and strengthened and improves digestion power.

The practice of this yoga asana strengthens the fingers. Head-to-Knee Pose, Half Bound Lotus Forward Fold Pose and One Leg Folded Forward Bend Pose involve holding the abdominal organs by holding your feet with your hands. In Marichyasana II, your hands do not hold your feet. To bend forward, and to bring your head towards your knee, the abdominal organs have to be contracted strongly. Due to this, there is better circulation of blood around the abdominal organs, and they remain healthy.

In the beginning, it is very difficult to bend forward holding both the hands behind the back, but it comes with practice. The dorsal region of the spine is also exercised in this yoga pose.

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Known as:Marichyasana II, Seated Spinal Twist II, Sage Twist Pose II
Sanskrit name:मरीच्यासना II
IAST:Maricyāsana II
Pronunciation:mar-ee-chee-AHS-anna II
Pose type:Twist, Forward bend
Total time:30-60 seconds
Eyes closed
Chakra:Manipura Chakra, Swadisthana Chakra, Muladhara Chakra
Indications:Backache, hip pain, asthma, exhaustion, constipation
Counterpose:Dandasana (Staff Pose)
Preparatory poses:Butterfly Pose, Deer Pose, Seated Torso Circles, Bharadvajasana I, Cow Face Pose, Side Twist Pose, Ardha Matsyendrasana, Head-to-knee Forward Bend Pose, Reclining Bound Angle Pose, Reclining Hand To Big Toe Pose, Wide Angle Seated Forward Bend Pose, Marichyasana I, Hero Pose
Follow-up poses:Staff Pose Hands Back Knees Bent Pose, Staff Pose Hands Back Pose, Half Lord Of the Fish Pose, Bound Angle Pose, Shoulder Supported Bridge Pose, Wind Release Pose, Lotus Pose, Wide Angle Seated Forward Bend Pose
Contraindications:High blood pressure or low blood pressure, Insomnia, Migraine, Knee or hip injuries, Pregnancy (after the first trimester)

Meaning + Origin

Marichyasana is derived from the Sanskrit name, which is made up of two words – Marichi + asana:

  1. Marichi” = “ray of light (of the sun or moon)
  2. asana” = “pose or posture”

Marichyasana is dedicated to great Hindu sage Marichi, the son of the Lord Brahma. Marichi was the grandfather of Surya.

The pose is not found in medieval Hatha yoga texts, but is described in Krishnamacharya’s 1934 Yoga Makaranda, teaching of his disciples, BKS Iyengar and Pattabhi Jois.

Benefits of Marichyasana II (Seated Spinal Twist II)

The practice of Marichyasana II (Seated Spinal Twist II or Sage Twist Pose II) consists of a forward bending action when in Badha Hasta which is similar to Sage Twist Pose, so the benefits can be referred to for additional knowledge. However, the additional physical and mental benefits derived from this variation are listed below:

  1. Physical Benefits:
    • Strengthens and stretches the legs and shoulders
    • Tones the abdominal muscles
    • Opens the chest and shoulders
    • Promotes healthy function of the pituitary gland
    • Stimulates the digestive, circulatory, and lymphatic systems
    • Massages the kidneys and liver
  2. Mental Benefits:
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Steps to Marichyasana II (Seated Spinal Twist II)


Sit with your legs stretched out (Dandasana or Staff Pose). Bend your left leg into a half-lotus by bringing your foot over the crease of your right thigh. Press your hands to the floor to lengthen your spine.


Bend the right leg and place your foot near your hips.


Inhale and lengthen your spine. Lean at the torso and extend your right arm forward. Press your left hand into the floor and lengthen the left side of your body. Fully extend your arm until the armpit touches your left shin. Keep your left leg active by pressing the tops of your toes into your right thigh.


Exhale and rotate your right arm internally. Bend the elbow and wrap your arm around your right shin and the outside of your thigh. Bring your left hand around your back and grasp your right wrist with your left hand. Inhale, lift off the side of the body, and draw your shoulder blades to your back. Lean forward while exhaling and bring the head towards the knee.


Stay in this posture for a few breaths. Release, return to Step-1, and repeat the process on the other side.

Precautions and Contraindications

Everyone is different, and all poses have a variety of differences – whether its beginner pose or advanced level pose. The precautions and contraindications of Marichyasana II are listed below:

Injury and surgery

The Marichyasana II demands deep engagement from the knees, hips, shoulders and ankle joints. Any injury to these areas will make it nearly impossible for your Individuals to perform this yoga asana.

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Additionally, if there is a history of surgery in and around these joints, an individual should be advised to consult with their physician before attempting this advanced pose.

It is also important to take into account any chronic trauma or injury to any of the above areas of your body, as this can trigger pain and cause discomfort, if the muscles and ligaments are not strong enough. Therefore, caution should be taken, keeping in mind the old injuries or surgeries.

Lack of body-breathing connection

The success of Marichyasana II critically depends on synchronizing the inhalation and exhalation with various movements at an appropriate time, such that for a forward motion to occur, it is essential that we first stretch the spine properly. Make room in your vertebrae by lengthening in and out; Otherwise, forward movement may feel restricted.

Furthermore, in order to hold the pose, Individuals must be aware of all the different movements or parts being stretched together; Otherwise, they may lose balance, and fall, bringing on a closed or upset feeling.

Weak body and physical strength

For some advanced yogis, leaning forward with body ligaments can be hard on the lower back and sacroiliac joints. Especially with the stiffness in your hips and hamstrings. In this case, it may advise them to elevate their pelvis on one or more folded blankets.

While focusing on your knees, it’s advised to never do forcefully, otherwise it can be harmful to the knees as well as the pelvis. Alternatively, you can practice Marichyasana II by bringing the soles of one foot to touch the inner left thigh of the other foot.

If your back is weak, you don’t need to go to the last step, but can just go for a simple variation Marichyasana I. If for some reason you find the binding of your hands challenging, the use of a leash may be encouraged.

Pregnant women

Pregnant women should completely avoid this exercise because of the pressure in the abdomen.

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