Siddhasana (Accomplished Pose) Step-by-step

How To Do Siddhasana or Accomplished Pose or perfect pose - sharpmuscle
11 min read
Updated: April 18, 2023

Siddhasana (Accomplished Pose or Perfect Pose or Adept Pose) is usually calm and nourished, although it significantly open the hip and require more effort. It promotes vitality when practiced with proper alignment of the spine and pelvis.

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Accomplished Pose or Perfect Pose improves circulation, reduces fatigue, focuses the mind, and calms the nervous system. Asana is a meditative essential core pose can be done at any time. This asana should be practiced daily with your asana practice, especially if meditation and deep breathing are part of your daily routine.

Known as:Siddhasana, Accomplished Pose, Perfect Pose, Adept Pose, Siddha Yoni Asana
Sanskrit Name:सिद्धासन
Type:Seated pose, Meditative
Counterpose:Staff (Dandasana)
Drishti:Forward; Eyes closed
Focus:Hips, groin muscles, lower back, spine
Chakra:Root Chakra or Muladhara Chakra
Indications:Hips, abductors, knees, ankles, back, spine, flexibility, stress, anxiety, relaxation, focus, concentration
Counterposes:Standing forward bend (Uttanasana), Seated forward bend (Paschimottanasana), Gentle spinal twists, hip-opening postures, backbends
Preparatory Poses:Baddha Konasana (Butterfly pose), Sukhasana (Easy pose), Virasana (Hero pose), Gomukhasana (Cow face pose)
Follow-Up Poses:Padmasana (Lotus pose), Savasana (Corpse pose), Pigeon pose (Eka Pada Rajakapotasana), Seated forward bend (Paschimottanasana)
Equipment Needed:Yoga mat
Contraindications:Knees or ankle injuries, pregnancy, high blood pressure, herniated disc, spine, or back issues or pains like sciatica or sacral infections

What is Siddhasana (Accomplished Pose or Perfect Pose)?

This pose is considered as the best of all asanas (the best among 84 lakh asanas), whose practice deeply purifies the 72,000 Nadis (all your energy channels) in the body.

This Hatha Yoga pose is named after a Sanskrit word: सिद्धासन, in which:

  • Siddha means Accomplished or an Adept (Accomplished means: Those hidden powers within the body that help individuals to attain spiritual uplift)
  • Asana means Pose.

Siddhasana is also known as Siddha Yoni Asana, which means “the accomplished pose” or “the pose of the accomplished one.” It is a traditional-seated posture in yoga and is considered to be one of the most important asanas for meditation and spiritual practices. In some texts, Siddhasana is also referred to as “Adept’s pose” or “Perfect pose.”

It is the most important yoga asana for:

  • Breath control
  • Discipline of the senses
  • Concentration
  • Meditation
  • Self-realization

When Siddhasana (Accomplished Pose) is mastered, Samadhi follows without effort and it is natural. A yogi, who has mastered in Siddhasana, has conquered the Self. A Yogi, who contemplates on the soul, who is moderate in their diet, and who practices Siddhasana (Accomplished Pose) for 12 years, without break, can attain psychic powers (Yoga Siddhis).

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Siddhasana is believed to activate the root chakra or Muladhara chakra, which is located at the base of the spine. This chakra is associated with stability, grounding, and a sense of safety and security. By practicing this yoga pose, the energy flow to this chakra is enhanced, which can help to balance and strengthen it.

To further enhance the activation of the root chakra in this yoga pose, you can focus your attention on this area of the body and visualize a red, glowing ball of energy at the base of your spine. You can also use affirmations or mantras, such as “I am grounded and secure” or “I trust in the stability of the universe,” to help connect with the energy of this chakra.

Health Benefits of Siddhasana (Accomplished Pose or Perfect Pose)

You will get the most benefit from Siddhasana (Accomplished Pose or Perfect Pose) by staying in the position for a long time while practicing deep breathing. This allows you to focus on the tight areas of your hips and, through a slow, mindful breathing, slowly open the area as you do the pose.

This pose opens the hips, giving mild flexibility in the pelvic region. It lengthens the spine and makes your body posture so much better that it increases your alertness, equipping you well to avoid injuries for safety purposes.

Siddhasana (Accomplished Pose) regulates blood circulation throughout the body from the abdomen to the spine. It is a mark from head to toe to follow your breathing pattern. The functioning of nerve cells rewrote your body’s reactions.

It encourages grounded behavior, a polite attitude as you still have become and pay attention to yourself, your actions and tasks.

It stimulates Mooladhara (Root), and Swadisthan (spleen and sacral) chakras. The energy is channeled upwards and converted into ojas energy to make your body feel light and lighter.

The benefits of Siddhasana (Accomplished Pose) are seen because of the breathing exercises. It calms your nervous system and controls sexual urges. Controlling your mind means that the sole purpose of this asana is to attain accomplishment.

The purification of body nadis (energy channels) is also good for the knee joints as the synovial fluid comes out, and is helpful for spastic body pains. Detoxification technique is a path towards achieving Nirvana. A pure idea acts like the natural vegetation of hemp seeds, it spreads.

Physical and Mental Benefits

Builds the ability to increase your meditation time and focus slowly and overcome depression permanently. It also improves the power of concentration to another level. Regular practice of this pose reduces your stress, anxiety by providing physical and mental relief.

1. Physical Benefits

  • Opens the hips
  • Increases knee flexibility and lubricates the knee joints
  • Prevents arthritis and osteoporosis
  • Tones abdominal organs
  • Promotes proper digestive system functions

2. Mental Benefits

Step-by-step Instructions of Siddhasana (Accomplished Pose)

  • Begin by sitting on the floor with your feet straight in front of you and placing your hands at your sides. For additional cushioning, consider sitting on a yoga mat or blanket.
  • Bend your left knee and bring your left heel near your body near your waist area.
  • Bend your right knee and move it towards the front of the left ankle.
  • From this position, inhale and while you exhale, raise your right leg and place it just above your left ankle. Bring your right heel to the area of your waist. This step should feel comfortable. do not force it.
  • Slide the paws of your right foot into the space between the muscles of the left calf. This will help keep your posture stable.
  • Take your hands from your sides and place your palms on your knees. Your knees should touch the floor. You can extend your arms straight to the sides and rest your palms back or wrists to your knees, so your palms are upward. If you cannot do this or you experience discomfort, use one of the modifications until your hips have more flexibility.
  • Sit upright with gaze facing forward. There should be a good, straight line from the top of your head to the floor.
  • Close the eyes and look inwards, stay here and take a deep breath for a minute or more.
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Fix The Common Mistakes

In Siddhasana (Accomplished Pose or Perfect Pose), your intervertebral discs are stacked on top of each other, creating a natural curvature of the neutral spine. As you breathe, your rib expands and exits efficiently, which is facilitated by sitting tall with good posture.

Your back muscles and your abdominals engage, while stretching muscles on the outside of your hips. You may feel this minimally, but for many people it can be challenging to maintain a neutral spine and pelvis, using muscles in ways body is not used to.

Your spine is neutral, to hold weight most efficiently. Allow a sense of lightness in your spine. Your shoulders roll back, slightly pulling shoulder blades together.

1. Ribcage movement:

When you inhale, your breastbone lifts while ribcage expands in all directions and the diaphragm descends. When you exhale, the breastbone and your ribs return down and inward; The diaphragm climbs to push out carbon dioxide. Allow this movement as you breathe.

2. Disk stacking:

When your spine is in its natural curvature—in a “neutral” position – your vertebrae are stacked and the gravitational load on your intervertebral disks is evenly distributed. Your disks are made of squishy fibrocartilage, allowing spine to move dynamically.

3. Locked long rhomboids:

If you slouch, your back muscles, including rhomboids, may be “locked long.” When this happens, shoulder blades spread forward and pectoralis minor muscles shorten. Try rolling shoulders back to awaken your rhomboids. It creates a muscular sling of tension for efficient posture.

4. Elongating your spine:

The axial extension – involves muscle engagement to elongate your axial skeleton (your spine, your ribcage, and your skull). In many asanas, this action counteracts gravity and the tendency to slouch. However, do not lengthen so much that you lose your natural spinal curves. Like a stretched spring, this curve create support and resilience.

5. Arms:

Your arms relax with the palms of your hands facing up (supinated). Your posterior deltoid initiates external shoulder rotation, while anterior deltoid is slightly stretching.

ALSO READ:  Ardha Baddha Padma Paschimottanasana (Half Bound Lotus Forward Fold Pose)

6. Neck:

To stabilize cervical spine in a natural curve, your cervical extensor muscles—your splenius capitis and cervicis—engage while in a neutral or slightly lengthening position. Activate it by imagining your head is as light as a helium balloon.

7. Thighs and lower legs:

The hip flexors – mainly your iliopsoas – help maintain hip flexion. Here, You may feel engagement of more thigh muscles; consider using props until you can relax unnecessary engagement. Quadriceps, gluteus maximus, and your hip adductors are stretched. You may feel stretching around ankles, which are in plantar flexion.

Modifications and Variations

  • If your tight hips do not allow you to sit comfortably, place a folded blanket under your sitting bones, so your hips are above the level of your knees. If this is still not enough for a modification, consider adding another blanket or pillow to lift you up. Make sure the hips should be higher than knees.
  • While sitting in this posture, make sure that your knees touch the floor otherwise place a blanket or pillow under your knees.
  • If you are bent backwards, rest near a wall with your back. You also have another option here, you can simply place a block between the wall and your scapula.

Common variation

The common variation of Siddhasana (Accomplished Pose) is Sukhasana or Easy pose, crossing the legs crossing at the shins. For many people, this may not be so easy; Get support by sitting on a prop to elevate your hips.

Other variations

  • Jalandhar bandha or chin lock: You can practice the Jalandhar bandha or chin lock by bringing your chin closer to the center of the collarbone and staring at the center of your eyebrows or the Bhrumadhya Drishti.
  • In this seated posture, raise your hands together to the level of the chest and place the palms facing each other, known as Kshemasana.
  • Librated pose (Muktasana) and Secret pose (Guptasana): Librated pose (Muktasana) and Secret pose (Guptasana) are other variations of Siddhasana where the leg and feet location varies.
  • Siddha Yoni Asana: According to Hatha Yoga Pradipika, Siddha Yoni Asana is recommended for female yogis. In Siddha Yoni Asana, the left heel is pressed into the opening of the vagina and the upper heel rests against the clitoris.


Siddhasana (Accomplished Pose) is generally safe for most fitness levels. However, you should avoid this pose if you have the following medical or health conditions:

  1. Knee or ankle injuries: If you have an injury to your knees or ankle, it may be difficult or uncomfortable to sit in Siddhasana. You should avoid this posture until your injury has healed or modify the posture with props, such as blankets or blocks, to make it more comfortable.
  2. Herniated disc: If you have a herniated disc, sitting in Siddhasana can put pressure on the lower back and aggravate your condition. You should avoid this posture or modify it with props, such as a bolster or cushion, to support your back.
  3. Pregnancy: Siddhasana can be uncomfortable or difficult for pregnant women, especially as the belly grows. It is important to modify this posture with props or avoid it altogether and choose alternative seated postures that are more comfortable and safe.
  4. High blood pressure: Siddhasana can increase blood flow to the pelvic area, which may cause a temporary increase in blood pressure. If you have high blood pressure, you should approach this posture with caution and monitor your blood pressure during the practice.

Additionally, if you have problems with your ankles, be sure to pay attention while doing this pose and address any discomfort or limited motion. If you feel any pain, stop and consider one of the modifications. Avoid moving the position forcefully as you lower your knees to the floor and ease into the pose. It is normal to feel a stretch in the inner thighs, hips and waist area, but you should never feel pain.

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