Piriformis Stretch (aka Figure-Four Stretch): Your Guide to Relief and Improved Hip Health

12 min read

Have you ever felt that deep, nagging tightness in your hips, perhaps even a shooting pain down your leg? That discomfort could be caused by a small but mighty muscle called the piriformis. Stretching this muscle can provide significant relief from sciatica-like pain and improve your overall hip mobility. Let’s dive in!

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In This “Hip Tightness & Sciatica Reliever Piriformis Stretch”


Known as:Piriformis Stretch, Figure-Four Stretch, Piriformis Release
Level:Beginner to Advanced
Focus:Piriformis muscle, hips, glutes
Total time:15-30 seconds per stretch
Indications:Pain relief, improved hip mobility
Frequency:2-3 times per week
Variations:Standing piriformis stretch, seated piriformis stretch
Follow-up stretches:Glute stretches, hip flexor stretches
Counterposes:Supine hamstring stretch, child’s pose
Contraindications:Recent hip, knee, or lower back surgery, acute injury in the hip or lower back

What is Piriformis?

Piriformis is a small, pear-shaped muscle located deep within the buttock region, running from the base of the spine (sacrum) to the top of the thigh bone (femur). It plays a crucial role in stabilizing the hip joint and aiding in various movements such as rotating the hip outward (external rotation) and abducting the thigh away from the body. The piriformis muscle also assists in maintaining proper alignment of the pelvis during activities like walking, running, and sitting.

The Anatomy of the Piriformis

1. Location and Function

Nestled deep within your glutes (buttocks), the piriformis muscle plays a crucial role in stabilizing your hip joint and allowing for outward rotation. 1

Imagine the movement you make when you walk and turn your leg outwards – that’s your piriformis muscle at work! But its functions go beyond simple rotation.

The piriformis also assists in hip abduction, which is the movement that takes your leg away from your midline, and external hip extension, which straightens your leg with your foot turned outwards. 2 1

2. The Sciatic Connection

The sciatic nerve, the longest nerve in your body, runs close to the piriformis muscle, and in some cases, directly underneath it.

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When the piriformis tightens or spasms, it can compress the sciatic nerve, causing pain that radiates along the back of your leg – a hallmark symptom of Piriformis Syndrome. This pain can sometimes mimic the discomfort of true sciatica, which originates in the lower back, making proper diagnosis essential.

Piriformis Issues: Recognizing the Signs

Piriformis Syndrome often presents with a dull or sharp ache in the buttock, sometimes radiating down the back of the thigh and even into the calf. 2

You might also experience sensations of tingling, numbness, or weakness in the affected leg. Certain activities can aggravate the pain. Sitting for long periods, climbing stairs, or squatting can worsen the discomfort.

Standing up from a seated position might also be a challenge. In some cases, the pain may even be felt while lying down, making it difficult to find a comfortable sleeping position.

Additionally, people with Piriformis Syndrome may report:

  • A sensation of tightness or heaviness in the buttock
  • Increased pain when walking, running, or jumping
  • Difficulty putting weight on the affected leg
  • Pain that worsens when rotating the hip outwards

The severity of these symptoms can vary greatly. Some people may experience only mild discomfort, while others may have debilitating pain that makes it difficult to perform daily activities.

Benefits of the Piriformis Stretch (Figure-Four Stretch)

1. Pain Relief

Stretching the piriformis reduces muscle tension, alleviating pressure on the sciatic nerve. 3 This reduced pressure helps ease pain along the nerve’s path, which can radiate from the buttock and down the back of the leg, even into the calf.

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Regular stretching can help prevent these flare-ups and promote overall pain management for people with Piriformis Syndrome.

2. Improved Hip Mobility

Regular stretching of the piriformis muscle can significantly improve your hip’s range of motion. This increased flexibility benefits not only everyday activities but also athletic performance. 4

Whether you’re reaching down to pick something up, climbing stairs, or lunging during your workout, having a greater range of motion in your hips allows for smoother, more efficient movement.

3. Sciatica Nerve Support

While not a cure-all for sciatica, piriformis stretches can be a valuable tool to manage symptoms caused by piriformis tightness.

By reducing tightness and improving flexibility in the piriformis muscle, the sciatic nerve has more space and lessens the chance of irritation. This can lead to significant pain relief and improved function for people experiencing sciatica due to piriformis involvement.

How to Perform the Piriformis Stretch (Figure-Four Stretch)

To ensure maximum effectiveness, follow these steps for proper piriformis stretching technique:

Step-1: Lie on your back

Find a comfortable position on a mat or carpet. Relax your body and gently press your lower back into the floor. If needed, place a folded towel or small cushion below your lower back for added support.

Step-2: Cross one leg

Bend your right knee and bring your right foot towards your opposite hip. Place your ankle slightly above your left knee, keeping your lower leg as close to parallel to the floor as possible.

Step-3: Gently pull

Place your right hand behind your right thigh, just below your knee. With a very gentle pull, guide your right leg towards your chest. Maintain a relaxed lower back pressed into the floor. Feel a comfortable stretch in your right buttock and outer hip.

Step-4: Hold and Breathe

Hold the stretch for 30 seconds. Breathe deeply, allowing the stretch to deepen with each exhale. Keep your shoulders relaxed and your core gently engaged for support.

Step-5: Repeat on the other side

Carefully release your right leg and repeat the process with your left leg.

Modification Options

Tailoring the piriformis stretch to your individual needs can enhance its effectiveness and comfort. Consider these modification options:

1. Lower back discomfort

If you experience any discomfort in your lower back, there are a couple of ways to modify the stretch. First, try reducing the depth of the stretch by keeping your bent knee closer to your chest. This will lessen the pull on your piriformis muscle and take some pressure off your lower back.

If that doesn’t alleviate the discomfort, try placing a thicker support, like a yoga block or a stack of pillows, underneath your lower back. This will provide more elevation and help maintain a neutral spine throughout the stretch.

2. Modification for control

For some people, using a yoga strap to pull their leg towards their chest can offer more control and stability compared to using their hand.

Loop the yoga strap around the arch of your foot and gently pull on the strap to deepen the stretch in your piriformis muscle. As with the hand placement, ensure you maintain a gentle pull and avoid any excessive force that could cause strain.

Incorporating Piriformis Stretches Into Your Routine: Finding the Right Fit

To get the most out of your piriformis stretches, consistency is key. Here’s how to integrate them into your routine:

  • Frequency: For maintenance, stretch your piriformis 2-3 times a week. If you have tightness or sciatica-like symptoms, you may benefit from daily stretching.
  • When to Stretch: Ideally, do the piriformis stretch both before and after workouts (part of your warmup and cool-down). It’s also great as a standalone session when you’re feeling tight.
  • Hold Time: Hold each stretch for 15-30 seconds, with 2-3 repetitions per side.

Safety First: Precautions and Tips

  • Warm-up: Before any stretch, do a few minutes of light activity (walking, gentle movement) to warm the muscles.
  • No Bouncing: Hold stretches steadily, avoid jerky movements that can cause injury.
  • Breathe: Focus on deep, relaxed breaths to help your muscles release.
  • Pain is a Signal: If you feel sharp pain, stop immediately. Gentle discomfort is normal, but sharp pain may indicate an issue needing attention.
  • Variety is Key: Include other hip and glute stretches for balanced flexibility.
  • Hydration Helps: Drink water to support healthy muscle tissue.

Precautions and Contraindications

While the piriformis stretch is generally safe, it’s essential to be aware of certain situations where it might not be appropriate or modifications may be necessary.


  • Listen to your body: If you feel any sharp or shooting pain during the stretch, stop immediately and gently release your leg. Mild discomfort in the stretch is normal, but sharp pain indicates you may be overdoing it.
  • Start slow: If you’re new to stretching, begin with shorter hold times and less intensity. Gradually increase the duration and intensity as your flexibility improves.
  • Warm up: Always warm up your muscles with light cardio or dynamic stretches before performing static holds like the piriformis stretch.


  • Recent hip or back injury: Consult a doctor or physical therapist before stretching if you’ve had a recent injury in the hip, pelvic, or lower back area.
  • Sciatica from other causes: If your sciatica is caused by issues unrelated to the piriformis (such as a herniated disc), this stretch might not be effective. Consulting a healthcare professional for a proper diagnosis is crucial.
  • Severe pain: If you experience severe pain in your hip or leg, stop and seek medical advice.

Beyond Stretching: Exercises for Well-Rounded Piriformis Care

While the piriformis stretch is incredibly beneficial, a well-rounded approach leads to the best outcomes. Here’s your toolkit:

Flexibility Focused

  • Glute Bridges: Activate your glutes while getting a gentle hip stretch.
  • Clamshells: Target the deep hip rotators, including our friend the piriformis.
  • Hip Abduction (with band): Strengthen those side hip muscles for stability.
  • Foam Rolling: Find those tight spots and gently work them out.
  • Pigeon Pose: A classic hip opener felt deep in the glutes and piriformis.

Strengthening for Stability

Strength training offers fantastic support for your piriformis, enhancing balance and reducing injury risk:

  • Squats: A powerhouse move for overall lower body strength.
  • Lunges: Challenge balance and build single-leg strength.
  • Deadlifts: Strengthen the hamstrings and glutes, key for good hip function.
  • Hip Thrusts: Isolate the glutes for maximum activation.
  • Planks: A strong core is essential for stable, pain-free hips.

How to Use This:

Try incorporating 2-3 of these exercises into your routine a few times per week. You’ll build a strong, flexible foundation for a healthy piriformis.

Seeking Advice: The Power of a Helping Hand

Whether you’re navigating a career change, a tricky relationship issue, or simply need a fresh perspective, seeking advice can be incredibly valuable. The right guidance can help you gain clarity, uncover new possibilities, and make more informed decisions.

Why seek advice:

  • Gain Different Perspectives: Sometimes, we get so close to a problem that we can’t see other solutions. An advisor can offer fresh insights we might miss on our own.
  • Learn from Experience: Advisors often have knowledge and experience we lack. They may have faced similar challenges and can share successful strategies.
  • Avoid Making Mistakes: A good advisor can warn of pitfalls and help you navigate challenges more smoothly.
  • Feel Supported: The simple act of talking through a problem can bring relief and a sense of direction.

When to seek advice

  • Feeling stuck: If you’ve been mulling over a decision or issue for a long time without progress, outside input may break the logjam.
  • Facing Major Decisions: Consult others before making big life changes (career moves, major purchases, etc.).
  • Lacking Expertise: If a task is outside your area of knowledge, seek guidance from someone qualified.
  • Needing Emotional Support: Sometimes, all we need is an understanding ear. Friends, family, or therapists can be excellent sources of support.

Key Takeaway: Stretching is Your Secret Weapon

The piriformis stretch is a simple yet powerful tool. By making it a habit, you’re investing in your body’s long-term health. Here’s why it matters:

  • Pain Relief: Ease tightness and reduce the risk of sciatica-like discomfort.
  • Better Movement: Enjoy greater flexibility for all your daily activities and workouts.
  • Injury Prevention: A strong, flexible piriformis helps keep you moving freely.

Stretching isn’t just about fixing a problem, it’s about unlocking your potential. Imagine what you can do with a body that moves better and feels better. The choice is yours – make the piriformis stretch your new go-to for a pain-free, active life!


  1. Chang C, Jeno SH, Varacallo M. “Anatomy, Bony Pelvis and Lower Limb: Piriformis Muscle.” [Updated 2023 Nov 13]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2024 Jan-. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK519497/.[][]
  2. Hicks BL, Lam JC, Varacallo M. “Piriformis Syndrome.” [Updated 2023 Aug 4]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2024 Jan-. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK448172/.[][]
  3. Ahmad Siraj S, Dadgal R. “Physiotherapy for Piriformis Syndrome Using Sciatic Nerve Mobilization and Piriformis Release.” Cureus. 2022 Dec 26;14(12):e32952. doi: 10.7759/cureus.32952. PMID: 36712711; PMCID: PMC9879580.[]
  4. Park JC, Shim JH, Chung SH. “The effects of three types of piriform muscle stretching on muscle thickness and the medial rotation angle of the coxal articulation.” J Phys Ther Sci. 2017 Oct;29(10):1811-1814. doi: 10.1589/jpts.29.1811. Epub 2017 Oct 21. PMID: 29184293; PMCID: PMC5684014.[]

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