Downward Dog with Bent Knees: Steps, Benefits, and Contraindications

Downward Dog with Bent Knees - SharpMuscle
11 min read
Updated: August 1, 2023

Downward Dog with Bent Knees, also known as Adho Mukha Svanasana with Bent Knees, strengthens the skeletal system, wrists, arms and shoulders, while stretching the shoulders and upper back, and opening the hips and shoulders.

Benefits of Downward Dog with Bent Knees

Downward Dog with Bent Knees offers various physical and mental benefits, making it a valuable addition to your yoga practice. However, the benefits of this asana may vary, and the benefits of the asana can be different for each person.

Physical Benefits:

  • Strengthens Upper Body: The pose engages the arms, shoulders, and upper back, helping to build strength and stability in these areas.
  • Stretches the Hamstrings: The bent-knee position allows for a gentler stretch on the hamstrings compared to the traditional Downward Dog. This can be beneficial for individuals with tight hamstrings or limited flexibility.
  • Opens the Chest: Downward Dog with Bent Knees encourages the chest to open, which can counteract the effects of rounded shoulders from poor posture.
  • Lengthens the Spine: The pose promotes lengthening of the spine, creating space between the vertebrae and reducing compression in the lower back.
  • Improves Flexibility: While providing a milder hamstring stretch, the pose still encourages flexibility in the hips, shoulders, and calves.
  • Stimulates Blood Circulation: The inversion aspect of the pose increases blood flow to the upper body and head, which can have a refreshing effect.
  • Builds Core Awareness: Engaging the core to support the spine during the pose helps to build core strength and awareness.

Mental Benefits:

  • Calms the Mind: Practicing Downward Dog with Bent Knees, like many yoga poses, encourages focused breathing and mindfulness, which can help calm the mind and reduce stress.
  • Increases Body Awareness: The pose requires concentration and alignment, promoting a greater sense of body awareness and presence in the moment.
  • Enhances Concentration: As you hold the pose and focus on your breath and alignment, it can enhance your ability to concentrate and bring a sense of clarity to the mind.
  • Promotes Mind-Body Connection: The integration of breath and movement in the pose fosters a stronger connection between the mind and body, supporting overall well-being.
  • Boosts Energy and Mood: The mild inversion aspect of the pose can invigorate the body and boost energy levels. Yoga practice, in general, has been shown to enhance mood and reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression.
  • Encourages Patience and Persistence: Yoga poses often require patience and consistency to improve. Practicing Downward Dog with Bent Knees can teach perseverance and patience in achieving goals.

Downward Dog with Bent Knees Practice Guide

Downward Facing Dog with Bent Knees is a variation of the traditional Downward Facing Dog pose. In this variation, the knees are slightly bent instead of keeping the legs straight as in the original pose. This modification can be helpful for individuals with tight hamstrings, limited flexibility, or those who find the straight-legged version challenging.

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Step-by-step Instructions

  1. Begin on your hands and knees, with your wrists directly under your shoulders and your knees under your hips. Spread your fingers wide and press your palms firmly into the mat.
  2. Gently straighten your elbows, but avoid locking them. This will create some space between your shoulders and ears, allowing for a more relaxed upper back.
  3. Tuck your toes under, preparing to lift your knees off the ground. Keep your hands grounded for stability.
  4. Instead of straightening your legs like in the traditional Downward Dog, keep your knees slightly bent. This variation is more accessible for those with tight hamstrings or less flexibility.
  5. As you lift your knees, engage your core by drawing your lower abdomen in towards your spine. This action supports your lower back and helps maintain a stable posture.
  6. Press through your hands and feet, lifting your hips up and back towards the ceiling. Aim to create an inverted “V” shape with your body.
  7. Actively reach your sit bones (the bony part of your pelvis) upward. This enhances the stretch in your lower back and hamstrings.
  8. Fix your gaze between your feet or towards your navel, maintaining a neutral neck position. Avoid straining your neck by looking up or down.
  9. Stay in this bent knees Downward Dog for about 10 breaths. Take deep breaths in through your nose and exhale fully through your nose or mouth. Focus on the sensation of your breath and the stretch in your body.
  10. After completing the breath cycle, gently lower your knees back down to the mat, coming back into the Tabletop Position.

Common Mistakes

Avoid following common mistakes, it helps you achieve the proper alignment in Downward Dog with Bent Knees. Remember that yoga is a journey of self-awareness and continuous improvement, so be patient with yourself as you refine your practice.

1. Overarching the Lower Back

One of the most common mistakes is allowing the lower back to sag excessively in the pose. This can happen due to a lack of engagement in the core muscles. Without core support, the weight of the body tends to shift backward, causing the back to arch too much.

Pro-tip: Engage your core muscles by drawing the lower abdomen in towards the spine. Lift the sit bones up and back, which will help you lengthen your lower back and create a more stable alignment.

2. Locking the Elbows

Some practitioners might hyperextend their elbows, meaning they push them too far backward, creating a locked-out position. This can strain the elbows and lead to discomfort.

Pro-tip: Maintain a soft bend in your elbows to avoid overextending. You should focus on lengthening your arms and engaging the muscles around your shoulder joints for better support.

3. Lifting the Heels

Individuals with tight calves may unintentionally lift their heels off the ground to ease the stretch. However, this misalignment compromises the full benefits of the pose.

Pro-tip: Emphasize the importance of keeping the heels grounded. If your calves are tight, bend your knees slightly more to reduce the stretch while still maintaining the connection to the ground.

4. Rounding the Shoulders

Lack of shoulder awareness may cause practitioners to round their shoulders forward, especially if they have weak upper back muscles.

Pro-tip: Broaden across the collarbones, externally rotate the upper arms slightly, and draw the shoulder blades down the back. This action will help open the chest and create more space in the shoulder girdle.

ALSO READ:  Adho Mukha Parshva Vajrasana (Downward-Facing Thunderbolt Twist)
5. Holding the Breath

Practitioners may unconsciously hold their breath, especially when they find the asana challenging or uncomfortable.

Pro-tip: Maintain steady and even breaths throughout the practice. Take deep inhales and complete exhales to calm the mind and relax the body.

6. Incorrect Head Position

Some practitioners might crane their necks to look forward or up, which can strain the neck and shoulders.

Pro-tip: Maintain a neutral neck position by looking towards your feet or the navel. The head should be in line with the spine.

7. Overlooking Alignment

Individuals may become too focused on getting the shape of the pose “right” and overlook proper alignment and engagement.

Pro-tip: Prioritize proper alignment and engagement over achieving a specific shape. Remember that the key to the pose is finding a balance between effort and ease.

Modifications and Variations

Modifications are adjustments to a yoga asana that make it more accessible or suitable for individuals with different body types, abilities, or limitations. Variations, on the other hand, are alterations to the asana that can intensify or modify the stretch, targeting different areas of the body.

Remember to approach modifications and variations with mindfulness, choosing the ones that suit your current level of practice and physical condition. However, the common modifications and variations for Downward Dog with Bent Knees are explaining below:


  • Knee Bend Degree: You can adjust the degree of knee bend according to your comfort level. If you find it challenging to maintain a bent-knee position, you can straighten your legs slightly and gradually work towards more bent knees.
  • Hand and Wrist Support: For individuals with wrist discomfort or injuries, you can use yoga blocks or place your hands on a padded surface to reduce the pressure on your wrists.
  • Using Props: To ease the stretch on the hamstrings and lower back, you can place a folded blanket under your heels. This modification can be helpful if you have tightness in those areas.
  • Wall Support: If balancing is a concern, you can perform the pose with your hands against a wall. This provides additional stability and support for your body.
  • Elevated Surface: For individuals with limited flexibility, you can perform a modified version of Downward Dog with Bent Knees by placing your hands on an elevated surface like a chair or yoga blocks. This helps to reduce the range of motion required in the shoulders and hamstrings.


  1. Dynamic Bent-Knee Downward Dog Pose: From the bent-knee Downward Dog, you can add movement by gently rocking your hips from side to side or pedaling your legs, bending one knee at a time to stretch the calves and hamstrings alternately.
  2. One-Legged Bent-Knee Downward Dog Pose: From the bent-knee Downward Dog, lift one leg straight up towards the ceiling, creating a variation similar to Three-Legged Dog. This variation provides an additional hamstring and hip flexor stretch.
  3. Twisted Bent-Knee Downward Dog Pose: From the bent-knee position, extend one arm forward while rotating your torso, lifting the opposite hand towards the ceiling. This variation adds a twist to the spine and enhances the stretch in the shoulders and upper back.
  4. Knee-to-Nose Bent-Knee Downward Dog Pose: In the bent-knee Downward Dog, bring one knee towards your nose, rounding your back slightly. Then, extend the leg back to the original position. This variation engages the core and offers a different stretch for the hip flexors.
  5. Side Plank Variation: From the bent-knee Downward Dog, shift your weight onto one hand and the outer edge of one foot, stacking the other foot on top. Lift your top arm towards the ceiling, coming into a Side Plank position. This variation targets the shoulders, obliques, and strengthens the arms.
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Preparatory Poses

  • Cat-Cow Stretch (Marjaryasana-Bitilasana)
  • Puppy Pose (Uttana Shishosana)
  • Downward Dog on Knees
  • Child’s Pose (Balasana)
  • Bridge Pose (Setu Bandhasana)

Follow-up Poses

Precautions and Contraindications of Downward Dog with Bent Knees

Precautions and contraindications in yoga are essential to ensure the safety of practitioners, especially when it comes to specific poses like Downward Dog with Bent Knees. They are guidelines that help individuals determine whether a particular yoga asana is suitable for their body, health condition, or level of experience.


  • Wrist Issues: Adho Mukha Svanasana with Bent Knees can put significant pressure on the wrists, especially if they are not properly aligned or if you have a history of wrist injuries. To mitigate wrist discomfort, ensure your fingers are spread wide, and press evenly through the entire palm. Additionally, you can practice on padded surfaces or use yoga blocks to reduce wrist strain.
  • Shoulder and Neck Injuries: Individuals with shoulder or neck injuries or conditions like rotator cuff issues, impingement, or cervical spine problems should approach this pose with caution. Avoid forcing the shoulders into an uncomfortable position, and seek guidance from a yoga instructor for modifications.
  • Hamstring or Lower Back Sensitivity: If you have sensitive hamstrings or lower back, the bending of the knees in this pose might still create discomfort. Consider practicing gentle hamstring stretches and backbends before attempting this variation. You can also use props like blocks or place your hands on an elevated surface to reduce the range of motion.
  • High Blood Pressure: As this pose involves an inversion, individuals with uncontrolled high blood pressure should exercise caution. The inverted position may increase blood pressure, so those with hypertension should seek advice from a healthcare professional before practicing this pose.


  • Wrist, Shoulder, or Neck Injury: Individuals with acute wrist, shoulder, or neck injuries should avoid Downward Dog with Bent Knees altogether. This pose places significant weight on these areas and may exacerbate the existing injuries.
  • Pregnancy: Pregnant women should avoid inversions like Downward Dog with Bent Knees, as it may create discomfort and affect blood flow to the baby. Modified poses that provide proper support and are more gentle are recommended during pregnancy.
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: If you have carpal tunnel syndrome or experience numbness and tingling in your hands or wrists, avoid putting pressure on the affected areas, which can worsen symptoms.
  • Recent Abdominal Surgery: If you’ve undergone recent abdominal surgery, it’s best to avoid intense abdominal engagement, which is required to support the bent-knee position in this pose. Consult your healthcare provider before attempting this or any yoga practice after surgery.
If you experience any pain, discomfort, or other adverse effects during a yoga pose, including Downward Dog with Bent Knees, exit the pose immediately and seek guidance from a qualified yoga instructor or healthcare professional. Always practice mindfully and with awareness of your body’s limitations and needs.

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