Parivrtta Trikonasana — Revolved Triangle Pose

Parivrtta Trikonasana (Revolved Triangle pose) - Sharp Muscle
7 min read
Updated: April 6, 2023

The Parivrtta Trikonasana (Revolved Triangle Pose) focuses on stretch and building strength throughout your legs. At the same time, it opens the spine and hips. It can improve and activate your breathing by opening your chest and stimulating your abdominal organs.

Experts believe that the Parivrtta Trikonasana (Revolved Triangle Pose) can help with constipation and sciatica, it can improve your digestion, help with back pain and increase your balance.

Parivrtta Trikonasana (Revolved Triangle Pose) is a pose that you will learn easily when you are practicing Basic Triangle Pose which is about posture and alignment. The Triangle pose also teaches you to erect long and short, tight muscles.

Before learning Parivrtta Trikonasana (Revolved Triangle Pose) make sure you master the Basic Triangle Pose. Often our asanas deteriorate after practicing the bad habit of round shoulders or hump on the upper back. The triangle pose seeks to undo that bad posture and elevates its spine and attempts to stretch the rotating triangle spine in a way many others cannot. The revised section of this section is prominent. This not only opens the spine and extends the back, but it provides a deep stretch in your hips on both sides.

Once you learn how to do the basic triangle pose, you will just be adding a rotation. As you want to practice Parivrtta Trikonasana (Revolved Triangle Pose), remember that if you are unable to reach your hand far below your foot, a great option is to use a long position to rest your hand. Use the sum block. However, you do not need to move your hand too low. You will work by placing your hand on top of your calf.

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Meaning, philosophy and origin of Parivrtta Trikonasana (Revolved Triangle Pose)

1. Meaning

  • Parivrtta + Trikona + Asana:
    • Parivrtta” = “to turn around or revolve”
    • Trikona” = “three angle or triangle”
    • Asana” = “posture or pose”

2. Philosophy and origin

Since Parivrtta Trikonasana (Revolved Triangle Pose) is the more feminine version of the Trikonasana (Triangle Pose) reminds us that every coin always has two sides – dark to light, cold to hot, feminine to masculine, peace after movement. Reflecting on the differences and similarities between the two versions of the Triangle Pose can help you find a balance between two apparent opposites. Although feminine and masculine may look like night and day, there is a place in the middle where the two always meet.


Known as:Parivrtta Trikonasana, Revolved Triangle Pose, Rotated Triangle Pose
Sanskrit name:परिवृत्तत्रिकोणासन
IAST:Parivr̥tta Trikoṇāsana
Pronunciation:par-ee-VRIT-tah trik-cone-AHS-anna
Total time:30 to 60 seconds
Type:Standing, twisting pose
At the floor
Chakra:Muladhara (Root Chakra), Manipura (Solar Plexus Chakra), Anahata (Heart Chakra), Vishuddha (Throat Chakra), Ajna (Third Eye Chakra)
Counterpose:Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend), Ardha Matsyendrasana (Half lord of the fish pose)
Preparatory Poses:Parsvottanasana, Prasarita padottanasana, Utthita trikonasana
Follow-up poses:Parivrtta ardha chandrasana, Janu sirsasana, Marichyasana II
Indications:Respiration, digestion, balance
Contraindications:Diarrhea, back injury, migraines, low blood pressure, sleeplessness

Benefits of Parivrtta Trikonasana (Revolved Triangle Pose)

With a combination of deep twisting, hamstring stretching, opening of the heart, and precarious balance, this pose is a challenging yoga pose for experienced practitioners. Once you get the hang of it, however, it has some excellent physical and mental health benefits that advance your yoga practice in daily life.

  1. Physical Benefits:
    • Lengthens the spine
    • Strengthens the hip muscles and opens the groin
    • Tones and stretches the calf, thigh, hamstring, and abdominal muscles
    • Improves digestion and circulation
    • Opens the throat, chest, and shoulders
    • Improves balance
  2. Mental Benefits:
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Steps of Parivrtta Trikonasana (Revolved Triangle Pose)

  1. Start by standing in a mountain pose. Stand tall and upright, this time with your feet about three feet apart. Establish a solid relationship with the ground by shifting your weight distribution so that it is evenly divided between the base of your big toes, the base of your small toes, and both the left and right sides of your heel. Take a deep breath.
  2. With your palms facing down, raise your arms parallel to the ground.
  3. Take out both arms with your arms; This will widen your shoulder blades.
  4. Pivot right on the balls of your feet, keeping your feet straight; Then put your heel on the ground. To stabilize your balance, raise your toes and point your left foot slightly to the left. Raise the claw of your right foot and point your right foot slightly to the right.
  5. Breathe again, rotate your body to the right and bring your torso over your front leg. Place your left hand on the ground on either side of your leg. Allow your left hip to lean down towards the ground. If your right hip arises towards your shoulder when you do this, press the outside of your right thigh to the left; This should move your hip away from your shoulder. If necessary, you can push your right thumb into your hip to help your body move correctly.
  6. In this posture, newcomers should keep the head fixed and look forward or down towards the ground. More experienced individuals can bend their head to gaze at their thumb.
  7. Push your arms away from your body using force through the middle of your back. Keep your body weight on your heel and your front hand.
  8. Stay in this position for 30 to 60 seconds. Exhale, free your body from twist, breathe and move your body up.
  9. Repeat this process, this time pivoting to the left.
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Note: Beginners may find it helpful to look at this pose with a narrow stance and to use the help of a wall to secure their back heel in place.

Common mistakes

Parivrtta Trikonasana can be a challenging yoga posture, and there are many common mistakes that practitioners can make. Here are the five of the most common mistakes in this yoga pose:

  1. Hunching the shoulder: Practitioners can hunch the shoulders and collapse the chest, which can restrict breathing and limit the bend. To avoid this, keep the shoulders down and back, and lift the chest to make it to the torso.
  2. Covering the front knee: Practitioners may collapse the front knee inward, which can put pressure on the knee joint and limit the stability of the posture. To avoid this, attach the thigh muscles and press the knee outward to align with the toes.
  3. Breathing: Practitioners can stop their breath or restrict their breath during posture, which can cause stress and limit the benefits of practice. To avoid this, focus on breathing smooth, even in the entire posture, breathe to lengthen the spine and exhale to deepen the bend.
  4. Over-twist of the spine: Practitioners can try to turn the spine very deeply, which can stress back and neck muscles and cause injury. To avoid this, focus on lengthening the spine and rotating from the core, rather than forcing the bend with arms or neck.
  5. Losing balance: Practitioners can lose their balance and falter in posture, which can make it difficult to maintain bend and alignment. To avoid this, engage the core muscles, press down through the legs, and apply a stable gaze to help maintain balance. Additionally, the use of a block under the hand can provide additional stability and aid.


Before you begins to practice Parivrtta Trikonasana (Revolved Triangle Pose), it is necessary to understand the precautions to keep in mind, as twisting may not be safe for some situations. Avoid practicing this yoga pose if you have any contraindications mentioned below:

  • Neck, hips, spine, shoulder and knee injury.
  • Migraine related symptoms.
  • Pregnant women should avoid it, as if the breathing becomes wrong then the pressure around the abdomen will increase which may cause discomfort.
  • Heart related diseases.
  • Balance related ailments or constitution of a weak body.
  • People with stress and high blood pressure or low blood pressure will find it difficult to master breathing unless taught with care and precautions. Therefore it is best to avoid suffering from blood pressure or seek guidance.

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