Close Grip Lat Bar Pulldown 101: Muscle Worked, Setup, Tips, and Benefits

Close Grip Lat Bar Pulldown - Sharp Muscle
16 min read

The Close Grip Lat Bar Pulldown is a great exercise for building upper body strength, muscle endurance, and muscle size.

Learn all about the Close Grip Lat Bar Pulldown exercise, including the muscles it targets, proper setup and movement, tips and techniques, and the benefits of incorporating it into your workout routine. Improve your upper body strength and muscle definition with this comprehensive guide.

Muscle worked

The Close Grip Lat Bar Pulldown primarily targets the latissimus dorsi muscles, also known as the “lats.” These are the large, wide muscles that run down the sides of your back, and are responsible for pulling your arms down and towards your body.

Additionally, it also works on the teres major, rhomboids, and trapezius muscles of the upper back and shoulders. It also helps in strengthening the biceps and forearms.

What is Close Grip Lat Bar Pulldown?

Close Grip Lat Bar Pulldown - Sharp Muscle

The Close Grip Lat Bar Pulldown is a weight training exercise that primarily targets the latissimus dorsi muscles of the back. It is performed on a pulldown machine, using a wide grip bar attached to a cable. This exercise can be done for multiple reps and sets as part of a workout routine to build upper body strength.

The Close Grip Lat Bar Pulldown is also known as the Lat Pulldown, Close Grip Pulldown, or Close Grip Cable Pulldown.

Is it compound or isolation exercise?

The Close Grip Lat Bar Pulldown is a compound exercise, which means that it involves movement at multiple joints and engages multiple muscle groups.

The exercise targets the lats, but also works the shoulders, back, and arms, which are all working together to perform the movement.

Compound exercises are known to be more effective in building overall strength and muscle mass, as they engage more muscle fibers than isolation exercises which focus on only one muscle group.

Benefits of Close Grip Lat Bar Pulldown

Here are some scientific benefits of the Close Grip Lat Bar Pulldown:

  • Targeted muscle development: As mentioned, the Close Grip Lat Bar Pulldown primarily targets the lats, which are large muscles that can add significant size and definition to the upper body when developed. 1 2
  • Improved posture: The lats play a key role in maintaining good posture, by pulling the shoulders back and down. As a result, exercises that target the lats can help to improve posture by strengthening these muscles. 3
  • Increased upper body strength: The Close Grip Lat Bar Pulldown is an effective exercise for building upper body strength, as it engages multiple muscle groups in the back, shoulders, and arms. 4 5
  • Reduced risk of injury: Strong lats can help to protect the shoulder and upper back joints, by providing support and stability to these areas. This can help to reduce the risk of injury, especially for people who participate in activities that place a lot of stress on the upper body. 6
  • Improved range of motion: As the exercise involves pulling the bar towards the chest, it helps to improve the range of motion of the shoulders and upper back, allowing for greater flexibility and mobility.

How to do Close Grip Lat Bar Pulldown?

The exercise is done by sitting down on the machine, gripping the bar with your palms facing towards you, and pulling the bar down towards your chest.

The key to proper form is to keep your shoulders back and down, and your elbows close to your body. As you pull the bar down, engage your lats and squeeze your shoulder blades together. Release the bar slowly back to the starting position.

It’s important to keep your chest up, shoulders back and down, and your head in a neutral position during the exercise. Maintain a steady pace, and avoid jerking or using momentum to pull the bar down. And keep in mind to exhale while pulling down the bar and inhale while releasing the bar.

Momentum refers to the tendency of an object in motion to stay in motion. In the context of weightlifting, using momentum means using the movement of your body to help you lift the weight, rather than relying solely on the strength of the target muscle group.

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Using momentum in the Close Grip Lat Bar Pulldown exercise can compromise the effectiveness of the workout and also increase the risk of injury. When you use momentum, you’re not working the targeted muscle group as much, and the movement can be less controlled, which can lead to improper form.

To avoid using momentum, it’s important to maintain a steady pace throughout the exercise and to focus on engaging the targeted muscle group. Start the movement slowly and with control, and resist the urge to swing or rock your body to help lift the weight. Keep your core engaged, and use your muscles to lift the weight, rather than relying on momentum.

It’s also important to use an appropriate weight that you can lift with proper form and without using momentum, and to focus on the muscle contraction and mind-muscle connection while performing the exercise.

Here is step-by-step guides to properly perform the Close Grip Cable Pulldown exercise with setup, movement, tips, common mistakes, incorporating, repetitions, who can do and don’t that get you out of most of the exercise:

1. Setup and movement

  1. Set up the machine: Adjust the knee pad so that it fits comfortably against your thighs, and sit down on the machine. Make sure that your feet are flat on the ground, and that your back is straight.
  2. Grasp the bar: Reach up and grasp the bar with an overhand grip, with your palms facing towards you. Keep your hands close together, with your thumbs touching or almost touching.
  3. Start the movement: With your back straight and shoulders down, pull the bar down towards your chest by engaging your lats. Keep the elbows close to your body as you pull the bar down.
  4. Finish the movement: Once the bar is close to your chest, pause for a moment, and then release the bar back to the starting position. Keep the elbows close to your body as you release the bar back up.
  5. Repeat: Repeat the movement for the desired number of repetitions, making sure to maintain good form throughout.

2. Tips

Here are some tips and techniques to help you properly perform the Close Grip Lat Bar Pulldown exercise:

  • Maintain good posture: Keep your chest up and your shoulders back and down throughout the exercise. This will help you to engage the lats more effectively and to avoid straining your lower back.
  • Keep your elbows close to your body: As you pull the bar down, focus on keeping your elbows close to your body. This will help to isolate the lats and to maximize the effectiveness of the exercise.
  • Use a full range of motion: Make sure to pull the bar all the way down to your chest and to fully extend your arms as you release the bar back to the starting position. This will help to fully engage the lats and to achieve a more effective workout.
  • Control the weight: Use a weight that you can comfortably lift with proper form, and avoid using momentum to help lift the weight. Start the movement slowly and with control, and resist the urge to swing or rock your body.
  • Mind-muscle connection: Focus on the muscle contraction while performing the exercise, and try to feel the lats working as you pull the bar down. This can help you to engage the lats more effectively and to achieve better results.
  • Mix it up: You can vary the exercise by changing the grip width, using different attachments such as a V-bar or a rope, or by switching up the tempo of your reps.
  • Warm up and stretch: Before performing this exercise, make sure to properly warm up your muscles and to stretch your lats and shoulders. This will help to prevent injury and to prepare your body for the workout.

3. Common mistakes

Here are some common mistakes to avoid when performing the Close Grip Lat Bar Pulldown exercise:

  • Using momentum: As mentioned earlier, using momentum can compromise the effectiveness of the exercise and increase the risk of injury. To avoid this, maintain a steady pace throughout the exercise and focus on engaging the targeted muscle group.
  • Not using a full range of motion: Not pulling the bar all the way down to your chest or not fully extending your arms can limit the effectiveness of the exercise. Make sure to use a full range of motion to fully engage the lats.
  • Poor grip: Using a grip that is too wide or too narrow can limit the effectiveness of the exercise. Make sure to use a grip that is comfortable and that allows you to keep your elbows close to your body.
  • Rounded shoulders: Keeping your shoulders rounded can limit the range of motion and can also lead to injury. Make sure to keep your shoulders back and down throughout the exercise.
  • Not engaging the core: Not engaging the core can lead to lower back strain. Make sure to engage your core while performing the exercise.
  • Pulling with the biceps: Some people pull the bar with their biceps instead of their lats, which can compromise the effectiveness of the exercise. Make sure to focus on engaging the lats and to keep your elbows close to your body as you pull the bar down.
  • Not using appropriate weight: Using weight that is too heavy or too light can compromise the effectiveness of the exercise. Make sure to use a weight that you can lift with proper form and without using momentum.
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4. When and how to incorporate Close Grip Lat Bar Pulldown?

The Close Grip Lat Bar Pulldown exercise can be incorporated into your workout routine in a variety of ways, depending on your fitness goals and current fitness level.

  • Back day: The Close Grip Lat Bar Pulldown exercise is a great exercise for targeting the lats, which are a major muscle group in the back. Incorporating the exercise into your back day workout routine can help to improve your back strength and definition.
  • Pull day: The Close Grip Lat Bar Pulldown exercise is a pulling exercise, and can be incorporated into a pull day workout routine. Pull exercises like this one, targeting muscles in the back and biceps, can be paired with other pull exercises such as rows, pull-ups and chin-ups.
  • As a warm-up: The Close Grip Lat Bar Pulldown exercise can be used as a warm-up exercise before performing other exercises. The warm-up sets will help to prepare the muscles for the workout and can help to prevent injury.
  • As a finisher: The Close Grip Lat Bar Pulldown exercise can be used as a finisher exercise at the end of your workout. A finisher is a high-intensity exercise that is performed at the end of a workout to exhaust the targeted muscle group. This can help to increase muscle activation, pump and muscle growth.
  • Volume and frequency: It’s important to consider the volume (sets and reps) and the frequency (how often you perform the exercise) when incorporating the Close Grip Lat Bar Pulldown exercise into your workout routine. It’s recommended to start with 2-3 sets of 8-12 reps at a moderate weight, and gradually increase the volume and weight as you progress. It’s also important to allow 48 hours of recovery between sessions targeting the same muscle group.

Ultimately, the best way to incorporate the Close Grip Lat Bar Pulldown exercise into your workout routine will depend on your individual fitness goals and current fitness level. Consult with a personal trainer or a fitness professional for guidance and a customized workout plan.

5. Repetitions

Repetitions, or reps, refer to the number of times you perform a specific exercise in a set. The number of reps you perform for the Close Grip Lat Bar Pulldown exercise will depend on your individual fitness goals and current fitness level.

Here are a few general guidelines for reps when performing the Close Grip Lat Bar Pulldown exercise:

  • Strength-building: If your goal is to build strength, you’ll likely want to perform fewer reps with a higher weight. Aim for 3-5 reps per set with a weight that is challenging to lift for that number of reps.
  • Muscle endurance: If your goal is to improve muscle endurance, you’ll likely want to perform more reps with a moderate weight. Aim for 12-15 reps per set with a weight that is challenging to lift for that number of reps.
  • Muscle growth: If your goal is to increase muscle size (hypertrophy), you’ll likely want to perform a moderate number of reps with a moderate weight. Aim for 8-12 reps per set with a weight that is challenging to lift for that number of reps.
  • Warm-up: If you use Close Grip Lat Bar Pulldown as a warm-up exercise, you’ll likely want to perform fewer reps with a lighter weight. Aim for 2-3 reps per set with a weight that is relatively light and easy to lift.
  • Finisher: If you use Close Grip Lat Bar Pulldown as a finisher exercise, you’ll likely want to perform more reps with a moderate weight. Aim for 15-20 reps per set with a weight that is challenging to lift for that number of reps.

6. Who can do and don’t this exercise

The Close Grip Lat Bar Pulldown exercise is a strength training exercise that is generally safe for most individuals to perform. However, as with any exercise, there are certain precautions and considerations that should be taken into account.

Who can do:

  • Most healthy adults can perform the Close Grip Lat Bar Pulldown exercise, regardless of their fitness level.
  • Beginners: This exercise can be modified for beginners by using a lighter weight and lower number of reps.
  • Individuals looking to build strength, muscle endurance, and muscle size in their upper body.
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Who should not do:

  • People with shoulder, elbow or wrist injuries should avoid this exercise or perform it under the guidance of a physical therapist or trainer.
  • People with back pain or injury should avoid this exercise or perform it under the guidance of a physical therapist or trainer.
  • People with high blood pressure or heart problems should avoid this exercise or perform it under the guidance of a physician or trainer.

Variations of Close Grip Lat Bar Pulldown

The Close Grip Lat Bar Pulldown is a versatile exercise that can be modified to target different areas of the upper body and to challenge different fitness levels. It is important to note that when trying new variations or exercises, it is best to start with a low weight and progress slowly to avoid injury.

Here are a few variations of the exercise:

  • Reverse Grip Pulldown: Instead of grasping the bar with your palms facing forward, grasp the bar with your palms facing towards your body. This variation targets the biceps more heavily.
  • Standing Pulldown: This variation is performed while standing, rather than sitting. It requires more core stability and balance, making it a great option for those looking to incorporate more functional movement into their workout.
  • Wide Grip Pulldown: Instead of using a close grip on the bar, use a wide grip. This variation targets the lats more heavily.
  • One-Arm Pulldown: This variation is performed using one arm at a time. It requires more stability and balance, and can be used to target one side of the body more heavily.
  • Cable Pulldown: This variation is performed using a cable machine, and allows for more freedom of movement. It may be a good option for those who have difficulty sitting down and standing up from the traditional machine.
  • Assisted Pull-down: This variation is performed by having a spotter or machine assist in lifting some of the weight, making it a good option for those who are new to the exercise or have limited strength.

Bottom line

The Close Grip Lat Bar Pulldown is a great exercise for building upper body strength, muscle endurance, and muscle size. It targets the latissimus dorsi muscles in the back, as well as the biceps. It is performed using a lat pulldown machine, with a close grip on the bar.

It’s important to keep good form throughout the exercise, and to avoid using momentum to lift the weight.

When incorporating the Close Grip Lat Bar Pulldown into your workout, it is important to choose a weight that is appropriate for your fitness level and goals. The number of reps and sets will depend on your goals and level.

It is generally safe for most healthy adults to perform the Close Grip Lat Bar Pulldown exercise, however, people with shoulder, elbow or wrist injuries, back pain or injury, and high blood pressure or heart problems should avoid this exercise or perform it under the guidance of a physical therapist or trainer.

Overall, The Close Grip Lat Bar Pulldown is a versatile and effective exercise for building upper body strength and muscle, and can be incorporated into a variety of workout routines.


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