Vajrasana (Thunderbolt Pose or Bhujrasana) Steps and Benefits

Vajrasana or Thunderbolt Pose or Diamond Pose - Sharp Muscle
8 min read
Updated: March 24, 2023

Vajrasana, also known as Thunderbolt Pose or Bhujrasana, is a very comfortable sitting position, which is excellent for meditation.

The pose involves several forward bends, backward bends, and twists.

Experts believe that regular practice of this yoga posture calms and stabilizes the mind, making it a great pose for prolonged sitting meditation and breathing exercises (pranayama). It is one of the few asanas that can be practiced on a full stomach and is traditionally considered most effective straight after a meal. Sitting in Diamond Pose or Adamant Pose gives a deep stretch for the quadriceps and the tops of the legs, and is believed to improve digestion.


Known as:Vajrasana, Bhujrasana, Thunderbolt Pose, Adamantine Pose, Diamond Pose, Adamant Pose, Pelvic Pose, Kneeling Pose
Sanskrit name:वज्रासन; भुज्रासन
IAST:Vajrāsana; Bhujrāsana
Pronunciation:vahj-rahs-AHS-uh-nuh; booj-rahs-AHS-uh-nuh
Type:Sitting, Meditative, Kneeling pose
Total time:1 to 5 minutes
Eye closed
Chakra:Ajna Chakra, Swadisthana Chakra, Muladhara Chakra
Focus:Legs, spine
Indications:Sciatica, digestion, blood circulation, pelvic muscles, nervous system
Counterposes:Dandasana (Staff Pose)
Preparatory poses:Garudasana, Ardha Shalabhasana, Shalabhasana, Bound Angle Pose
Follow-up poses:Crocodile Pose, Child’s Resting Pose, Mrtasana
Contraindications:Ankle injury, knee injury, calf injury

Meaning + Origin

The Vajrasana is derived from the Sanskrit name, which is made up of two words — Vajra + asana:

  1. Vajra” = “thunderbolt or firmness or adamant or diamond-like”
  2. asana” = “pose or posture”

The reason it is named Vajrasana is related to the Vajra Nadi and is believed to stimulate the Vajra Nadi, which is part of the network of pathways through which prana travels in the body. This nadi is the first subtle layer within the Sushumna nadi, its role in activating Kundalini energy through the chakra system. Vajra Nadi also helps in facilitating digestion, so it is one of the best yoga asana to increase Agni (digestive fire). Vajrasana is said to stimulate and control the Vajra nadi, hence we call it Vajrasana.

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Vajrasana is a kneeling posture, in which the practitioner is able to keep the spine straight. As such, it encourages the free flow of prana (life force energy), making it an ideal posture for pranayama and other meditative practices. The same posture is commonly used outside the context of yoga as a prayer position, and in Japan it is the traditional ceremonial way of sitting, known as seiza.

Also, Vajra is a divine and powerful weapon of ‘Indra – Lord of the Gods’. As regular practice of this yoga pose makes strong and overwhelming like a Vajra (thunderbolt) , so we can associate this yoga pose with Vajra.

Benefits of Vajrasana or Thunderbolt Pose

Vajrasana or Diamond Pose is the best meditation asana for those suffering from sciatica, in addition to its role in digestion, however its other physical and mental benefits are listed below:

  1. Physical Benefits:
    • Stretches the quadriceps
    • Strengthens pelvic muscles (helps to prevent hernia and aids women in childbirth)
    • Energizes the thighs, calves, and ankles
    • Stimulates circulation
    • Opens ankle, knee, and hip joints
    • Aligns the spine
    • Improves blood circulation in abdomen
    • Improves digestion
  2. Mental Benefits:
    • Soothes the nervous system
    • Calms the mind

Steps to Vajrasana or Thunderbolt Pose


Begin on your hands and knees as in Cat Pose. Kneel on the floor. Engage your lower legs by pressing the tops of your toes into the floor. Keep your knees hip-width so that the thighs are parallel to each other, and bring your feet and legs together. Check that your feet are pointing straight back, not turning in or out.


Get down on your heels. Rest your hands on your thighs, on your lap, or at your ankles, then close your eyes. Draw your lower back in and lift up through your spine.


  • By closing your eyes you will be able to better understand the inner for the right alignment.
  • Lift and release your chest, relax shoulders back and down by your ears, then lift or lower your chin until your head feels completely balanced, weightless above the spine.
  • Breathe smoothly, settle where you are, and let the weight of your body sink into the earth as soon as the inner feeling arises. Become more and more grounded, more and more relaxed and undefended, and feel yourself slowly expanding. still there. Feel the energy you are made of. Feel the peace within yourself. Sit quietly, beginners for at least a minute, and experience up to 5 minutes.
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  • Remember, the purpose of yoga practice – and especially sitting still – is to experience the truth about who you are.
  • It is about the wave experiencing itself and thus experiencing its inherent oceanic nature. Each distinct wave is the whole ocean in its specific manifestation, and the calmness of the depths of the ocean is its stillness – available to be experienced. Each of us is an individually unique expression of the one and only Divine Self, the infinite self-expression of God. And like a wave we can never be far from our source. The wave is what is due to the ocean.
  • So sit quietly, relax everywhere, immerse yourself in the easy flow of breath, and feel that wherever you are, it is happening. Simply be attentive. Feel your inner peace, peace of mind.

Props and modifications

Beginners; Follow steps 1 through 2. Place a bolster or folded blanket under the hips.

For some people this situation is extraordinarily easy, for others it is one of the most frustrating. If you experience any difficulty, proceed slowly. Be careful not to strain your knees. Don’t be impatient, be persistent – slowly. Practice Vajrasana or Thunderbolt Pose over and over again.

Occasionally, secure a strap around your thighs so that they remain parallel. This will enable you to rest your feet without losing their proper alignment. The leash, however, is a training wheel. Use it sparingly.

Common mistakes

Approach this pose with awareness and attention to what your body needs. The following are some common mistakes that you may make while practicing the Thunderbolt Pose, which can lead to discomfort or injury:

  1. Sitting on the feet instead of the heels: Some individuals may find it uncomfortable to sit on their heels in Vajrasana and may instead sit on the balls of their feet. However, this can put excessive pressure on the toes and cause discomfort. To avoid this, try placing a pillow or folded blanket between your heels and buttocks to reduce pressure.
  2. Arching the back: While practicing this pose, it is essential to maintain a straight spine and avoid arching the back. Arching the back can strain the lower back and lead to discomfort or injury. To avoid this, focus on keeping your shoulders relaxed and your spine straight during the asana.
  3. Chin Tuck: Some practitioners may tuck their chin towards their chest while practicing this yoga pose, which can cause tension in the neck and throat. Try keeping your head and neck in a neutral position, with the chin parallel to the ground to avoid the cause.
  4. Holding the pose for long: Although Vajrasana is a relatively easy asana, the pose can be quite tiring on your knees and ankles, especially when you practice this yoga pose for long periods of time. To avoid discomfort or injury, it is necessary to gradually increase your tolerance for the pose and listen to your body. Start by holding the pose for a few seconds and gradually increase your duration as you feel comfortable.
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Precautions and contraindications

If you have a harsh joint or your movement has become difficult, then you should practice very much carefully Vajrasana (Thunderbolt Pose or Kneeling Pose). Keep your weight slowly on your heels. For this, balance the weight on the shins and hands so that you can not put pressure on the knees. At least in the beginning, gradually approach this yoga pose.

Injury in ankles or knees ligaments

If someone is not flexible with these muscles and joints then it can be hard on the pause knees and ankles. If any injured lugments are suffering on knees or knees, then this currency should not be practiced.

Hernia or ulcer

People suffering from hernia or intestinal ulcer should take medical advice and guidance before practicing Bhujrasana and it should execute this asana with experienced yoga teacher/instructor. The pressure on the anus in this yoga asana can bring unwanted pressure to the intestine.

Runner with hamstring or calf injury

Runners should avoid this yoga pose if they have injured in their weakness or calves.

Knee arthritis

Individuals should not be practiced who have serious arthritis of knees.

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