Anti-Drug Diet Plan: A sample menu plan

Anti-Drug Diet Plan - sharpmuscle
8 min read
Updated: April 12, 2023

An anti-drug diet plan is designed for someone who is undergoing drug rehab treatment through rehab centers or drugs, etc.

The human body is greatly affected by the consumption of drugs and alcohol. Recovering from drug or alcohol abuse is a gradual process, and nutrition has an important role in its role. For the purposes of this guide, I have chosen to focus on the nutritional needs of those who are detoxing or in the initial stage of recovery from problematic drug use. Recently, there is emerging evidence that nutrition plays an essential role in prevention and symptom management.

Overcoming alcohol or drugs is particularly difficult because the detoxification phase is complex (requires careful monitoring, medications, and support) and alcohol is difficult to avoid during everyday socialization. Diet is important in helping the body rebuild and maintain health. 1

They need to follow an anti-drug diet plan that helps in the functioning of the brain, production of red blood cells, Will help improve reproductive system and hormone imbalance. , Strengthening the immune system, etc.

During drug addiction, it causes some very serious deficiencies. Your body needs nutrients to heal. Providing your body with those unavailable nutrients is important for coping with withdrawal and getting back on the right track. Also, craving is very easy to ignore when you’re feeling better. 2

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What your body needs?

While a multivitamin pill will facilitate converting certain nutrients if you consume poorly for a minute, it may not sustain you for long. Make sure that you are getting lots of vegetables, fruits and whole grains. Fiber as a whole cannot keep your system digestion happy, although it additionally controls your blood sugar. This means less mood swings, and an easier time to stay on the course.

Very little of the 2 evils are sugar. But many people in recovery use sugar and alkaloids to stay awake and alert. Over time, your brain will expect food to eat sweeter, and healthy foods will not taste as good. It is healthy to gain more weight if you are using sugar as an alternative to your addiction.

Drug abuse effects and its suggestions

1. Opiates

Alternatives such as heroin, chitta affect the digestive system, and people addicted to these substances will often deal with constipation, nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting. Because of this, electrolyte imbalance often occurs in people with opium addictions. Think about vegetables, whole grains and beans, focusing on a high fiber diet will help solve gastrointestinal problems.

2. Alcohol

Consumption of alcohol usually leads to deficiency of vitamin B6, thiamine and folic acid. Alcoholic individuals also often have an imbalance of fluids, electrolytes, and proteins. All this can cause liver and pancreas damage, as well as high blood pressure and seizures. The recovering alcoholic will often require a well-rounded anti-drug diet plan to combat severe malnutrition. Women who drink heavy for a short period of time often benefit from calcium supplements, as they are at greater risk for osteoporosis.

3. Stimulants

Stimulants such as cocaine, crack, and meth give high, which reduces the need for hunger and sleep. Because of this, your body will need a lot of liquid for dehydration and better nutrition. Staying for extended periods of time can cause a number on your body, and heavy stimulant use can cause permanent memory damage. So eat foods rich in omega 3.

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4. Marijuana

Unlike other drugs, marijuana increases your appetite. However, this means that you will often be eating foods high in fat and sugar. During detox, your focus will be on increasing your calorie intake and balancing with foods that nourish your body.

Important nutrients need for anti-drug diet plan

1. Water-Start with hydration

Alcohol is notorious for dehydrating the body, and many drug users do not feel the need to drink water while using it. Your body needs hydration to function well. In addition to plenty of water, try electrolyte-packed drinks such as Gatorade and coconut water as well, especially if you are vomiting. If you are able to make an investment, consider a juicer to start getting fruits and vegetables to get the vitamins back into your system while hydrating.

2. Eat your fruits and veggies

Aim for 4 to 5 servings every day. And don’t be afraid to have fun with this! There are lots of different types of fruits. Not big on apple? Try mangoes, papaya, grapes. A spinach salad with cucumber, chopped walnuts, and a mild vinaigret (red vinegar) is easy and delicious to make.

3. Protein

For healthy body, protein is a building block, it helps the cells to heal. Protein is not just in the meat, because the yogurt mallow container contains about 11g, and a cup of dry beans contains 16g.

4. Multivitamin

Multivitamin tablets are very helpful for kick-starting your detox. Many people in recovery can benefit from multivitamins with zinc, vitamin A, vitamin C and B-complex. You may also want to look into homeopathic supplements like turmeric, milk thistle, and green tea. However, before adding vitamins to your diet, be sure to talk to your doctor. Each person’s body is different, and you may need more than one nutrient. Also, some vitamins can be harmful, depending on what you are taking.

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5. It’s not drug cravings; you’re hungry

Many people who have been a victim of drugs for a long period have forgotten their feelings of hunger. When your body gets a chance to recover, those feelings can come back with full force. If you are craving something, it is likely not drugs, but just food. Stick to regular meals. This will teach your body when to expect food and help to keep hunger under control.

Weekly anti-drug diet sample menu plan

Meal breakdown of Addiction recovery diet plan

  • 5 servings of vegetables per day.
    • One serving size is ½ cup raw or 1 cup cooked.
  • 4 servings of protein per day.
    • One serving is 3 ounces.
  • 5 servings of fruit per day.
    • One serving is ½ cup.
  • 3 servings of carbohydrate per day.
    • A serving is the size of a cup or a slice of bread.
  • Fat and oil sparingly.

Upon wake up (Detox tea daily)

Coriander Powder1 teaspoon
Green Cardamom, crushed2 green
Ginger, peeled and grated1 small piece
Basil Leaves5-6
Recipe how to:
  1. In a pot, bring 2 cups of water to a boil.
  2. Add the coriander powder, crushed green cardamom, grated ginger, and basil leaves to the pot.
  3. Reduce the heat and let the tea simmer for about 5-7 minutes.
  4. Turn off the heat and let the tea steep for another 2-3 minutes.
  5. Strain the tea into a cup and stir in honey.
  6. Enjoy your detox tea warm.

Coriander powder and green cardamom aid digestion and have anti-inflammatory properties. Ginger has anti-nausea and anti-inflammatory properties, while basil leaves contain antioxidants that help fight inflammation. Honey provides a touch of sweetness while also providing antibacterial and anti-inflammatory benefits.

Breakfast (7 days)

MONDAYEggs (1 whole Egg + 2 Egg Whites)
Scrambled Eggs
fresh Cilantro,
Orange (1)
TUESDAYOats (½ cup)
Almonds (2sp)
Raisins (2sp)
Apple (½)
WEDNESDAYWhole Grain Muesli Cereals
(by Patanjali or Baggary’s)
Apple (1)
THURSDAYBanana Shake
Banana (1)
Milk (240ml)
Peanut butter (1sp)
FRIDAYEggs Omelet
Eggs (2 white + 1 whole)
wheat Chapati (1)
Wheat Bread (2 slice)
Peanut Butter (1sp)
Banana (1)
SUNDAYEggs Boiled (2 whole + 2 white)
Milk (240ml Warm)

Morning snacks (7 days)

MONDAYMilk (240ml)
ProtineX (2sp)
Cashews (28g)
TUESDAYBanana Shake
Banana (1)
Milk (240ml)
Peanut Butter (1sp)
Pine Apple
THURSDAYPlain Yogurt (1cup)
(or curd)
FRIDAYDry Roasted Soy Beans (1 cup)
Tulsi Green Tea (1 cup)
SATURDAYFlaxseed pinni
Make it with:-
Coconut oil
Wheat flour
SUNDAYOrange Juice (1 Glass Fresh)
Almonds (15)

Lunch (7 days)

MONDAYBowl Black Lentil Soup (1)
Cooked with less oil and spices
Carrots (Raw) (½ plate)
TUESDAYBowl Orange Lentil Soup (1)
-Cooked with less oil and spices
Cucumber (½ plate)
WEDNESDAYEgg Bhurji & Chapati
Eggs (2 whole + 2 white)
green bell pepper
Chapati (1-2)
Brown rice
-cooked in less oil and less spices
FRIDAYMixed Lentil Soup (1 Bowl)
-Cooked with less oil and spices
Yogurt (1 cup)
SATURDAYVegetables (Mixed)
-cooked in less oil and less spices
Chapati (1-2)
SUNDAYChicken curry
(or Chicken Breast)
-cooked in less oil and less spices
Rice (½ cup)
or Chapati (1)
Add Salad:-
Cabbage or Lettuce

Evening snacks (7 days)

MONDAYDry Roasted Chickpeas (1 cup)
Ginger Tea (Without-Milk)
TUESDAYCarrot Juice (1 Glass Fress)
Almonds (15)
WEDNESDAYDry Roasted Chickpeas (1 cup)
Ginger/Cinnamon Indian Tea with Milk
THURSDAYPomegranate Juice (1 Glass Fresh)
Walnuts (1 Handful)
FRIDAYOrange Juice (1 Glass Fresh)
Almonds (15)
SATURDAYBanana Shake
Banana (1)
Milk (240ml)
Peanut Butter ( 1sp)
SUNDAYFruit Salad
Pine Apple

Dinner (7 days)

MONDAYKidney Beans (1 cup)
-Cooked with less oil and spices
Plain Yogurt (1 cup)
Brown Rice (½ cup)
(Eat 30 min before dinner)
TUESDAYWhite Channe (1cup)
-Cooked with less oil and spices
Plain Yogurt (1 cup)
Roti (1-2)
(Eat 30 min before dinner)
WEDNESDAYBlack Channe (1 cup)
-Cooked with less oil and spices
Plain Yogurt (1 cup)
Brown Rice (½ cup)
(Eat 30 min before dinner)
THURSDAYCauliflower (1 cup)
-Cooked with less oil and spices
Plain Yogurt (1cup)
Roti (1-2)
(Eat 30 min before dinner)
FRIDAYFish (120g)
-cooked in less oil and less spices
Rice (½ cup)
or Chapati (1-2)
(Eat 30 min before dinner)
SATURDAYWhite Channe (1cup)
-Cooked with less oil and spices
Plain Yogurt (1 cup)
Roti (1-2)
(Eat 30 min before dinner)
SUNDAYWhite Channe (1 cup)
-Cooked with less oil and spices
Plain Yogurt (1 cup)
Roti (1-2)
(Eat 30 min before dinner)



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