stretching exercises for sciatica

Knee-to-Chest Stretch (Wind Relieving Pose): Your Guide to Improved Flexibility and Reduced Pain - SharpMuscle

Knee-to-Chest Stretch: Your Guide to Improved Flexibility and Reduced Pain

Ever feel stiff and achy after a long day hunched over your computer or stuck behind the wheel? Regular stretching is one of the best ways to combat that desk-bound tightness, improve your posture, and even reduce pain throughout your body. The Knee-to-Chest Stretch, also known as Pavanamuktasana, or Wind Relieving Pose, is a fantastic exercise that helps reset your lower back, hips, and glutes – areas that often cause trouble for many people.

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Stretching exercises to enhance flexibility, ease muscle fatigue - sharpmuscle

Stretching exercises to enhance flexibility, ease muscle fatigue

Stretching exercises are important for many different reasons – to enhance flexibility, reduce muscle fatigue and sports performance, reduce injury risk, improve posture, prevent muscle soreness and breakdown. When exercising, your muscles are shortened by the constant contraction you are performing, so stretching exercises returns them to their original length. ADVERTISEMENT CONTINUE READING BELOW Coming

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